Rubeaus Sdn Bhd
29C-02-12, Maritime, Persiaran Karpal Singh 2, 11600 Jelutong, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.
+6016-498 8292

Aura Miracle Masque 高效补水保湿皮肤及嫩肤面膜

Aura Miracle Masque 高效补水保湿皮肤及嫩肤面膜 Face Mask Aura Miracle Masque 高效补水保湿皮肤及嫩肤面膜 Face Mask

(适合所有肤) (Suitable for all skin type)

专属为您打造一个神奇般瞬间补水保湿功效面膜贴,以提升肌肤柔嫩光滑和盈 透亮度。它能迅速修复,复新和刺激肌肤再生,使肌肤看起来像“光环般容光焕 发”散发亮丽,清新,青春,更有助于获得充分舒缓和充足补水。适合在一整天 里面的任何时间都方便使用的这款质感丰富的补水保湿面膜贴,让您也来体验 下“临床实验特为专业人士制定了一个方便且能在家庭养尊处优”般的享受贴面 膜滋润补水,过程仅需时短至 5 到 15 分钟之间,就能显露立竿见影的效果!
Made for a miracle instant hydrating boost to your skin’s suppleness, radiance and translucency. It rapidly repairs, revitalize and stimulates skin rejuvenation, leaving the skin looking more “aura-radiantly” gorgeous, refreshed, youthful, well-rested and replenished. A rich moisturizing textured mask conveniently applied at any time of day to experience immediate results as quick as between 5 to 15 minutes.

De’Weiss 修復面膜的 12 大优点

一片面膜包含 12 種優點:
  • 锁水效果高達 60 倍 60 times more water lock effect
  • 高达 5 倍美白功效 5 high performance whitening
  • 增强皮肤弹性 Enhances skin elasticity
  • 治疗敏感肌肤 Treats sensitive skin
  • 迅速渗透皮肤 Penetrates skin rapidly
  • 改善皮肤营养代谢 Improve skin nutrition metabolism
  • 修复及再生干燥的皮肤组织 Repair & Regenerates dry skin tissue
  • 增强细胞粘附力 Enhance cell adhesion
  • 延缓皮肤衰老 Delay skin aging
  • 减轻斑点 Lighten spots
  • 坚定肌肤 Firms skin
  • 减少细纹,乾紋 Reduce fine lines


透明质酸是细胞间质中重要的成分,大量存在于我们的结缔组织和真皮层中。 呈胶状形态,其中充满了水分,维持皮肤的弹性。是皮肤中天然固有的保湿成 分。而 1 克玻脲酸可以吸收 500 克的水, 透明质酸应用于皮肤表面后,吸水效 果可逐渐超过角质层的水合度(达到 60%以上)
Hyaluronic acid can enhance moisture content beyond comparison. It also revitalizes skin’s outer surface layers, so they look and feel softer, smoother and radiantly hydrated. This instantly improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. One gram (or 0.03 oz.) of hyaluronic acid can hold up to six LITERS of water


可作抗氧化剂;能够活化细胞芳香化酶和组织蛋白酶以提高皮层局部雌激素水 平,增强皮肤细胞新陈代谢,有抗衰作用,可维持皮肤弹性和抗皱;具有抗炎, 防敏舒缓和收敛的作用;同时还有良好的持水能力。
Hamamelis Virginiana contains tannin, the most important healing property of this herb. anti-inflammatory effects. It also contains antioxidants that help prevent widespread inflammation and neutralize free radicals, which are disease-causing compounds that can build up in your body. Effectively reduce inflammation and help soothe your skin. It was able to provide relief for sensitive or irritated facial skin, believed to help treat the itching, redness, pain and swelling associated with haemorrhoids due to its anti-inflammatory effects.

维生素 B5 的加氢产物。主要作为保湿剂以及柔软剂,被皮肤吸收后可以增加 皮肤中透明质酸的含量,没有安全性等争议,用得非常广泛 。属于渗透性保湿 剂,可以直接浸润角质层,达到保湿的效果,按文献报告指出:维生素原 B5 可增进纤维芽细胞的增生,所以有协助皮肤组织修复的功能。5%的维生素原 B5 水溶液,无任何粘腻感。而一般加入保养品或保湿制品中的比率在 0.5%以 下,所以几乎不觉得有负担。
Treat skin, repairing the damage done by minor burns. Helping to hydrate skin, and also to soothe, Panthenol also works towards stopping itching and possible irritations too. When Panthenol is applied topically, it penetrates into lower skin layers, is absorbed into skin cells and processed into Pantothenic Acid (commonly known as Vitamin B5). Because it is absorbed deeply into the skin, it adds essential moisture.


乳酸不会导致过敏反应或肌肤受刺激。乳酸还能减少皱纹、老龄斑和色素沉淀 防止皮肤水分挥发,使皮肤优质轻松湿润状态,防止皱纹产生,被广泛用作护 肤品的滋润剂。保湿剂,pH 调节剂
Helps to keep the skin moisturized and feeling less dry. When you use lactic acid regularly, it can also improve signs of aging. It stimulates collagen renewal and can firm your skin. Hyperpigmentation (AKA sunspots or age spots) fade and fine lines and wrinkles soften and smooth out.


丙三醇,甘油是重要的护肤成分之一,它属于小分子保湿成分,在多元醇的保 湿剂中,以甘油的保湿效果较为显着,可将水分留在角质层。1 克的甘油可吸 附 0.6 克的水,在湿度高的环境下,甘油的保湿效果较佳,它有助于保持皮肤 的屏障,通过从空气中吸收水分来帮助皮肤锁水,防止皮肤干燥和生鳞屑。
It's able to give superior hydration to the skin, without the residual stickiness often associated with glycerin based emulsions. decrease the depth of wrinkles, giving the face a much smoother appearance.


说明有很好的活肤、抗老化的作用;对胆甾醇合成有促进作用,有助于改变皮 脂的组成,减少油光和增加皮肤的柔润程度;同时具有抗菌消炎和保湿的作用。 来源于[化妆品植物原料大全
Aloe Barbadensis leaf extract can soothe skin and serve as an anti-inflammatory. Aloe vera provides 20 of the 22 human-required amino acids and eight of the eight essential amino acids. Additionally, Aloe is rich in vitamins C and E, which are antioxidants that protect the skin from the
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